glimg | The main GL Image library namespace |
loaders | Namespace for all file loaders |
dds | Contains the DDS loader functions and exceptions |
DdsLoaderException | Base class for all exceptions thrown by the DDS loaders |
DdsFileNotFoundException | Thrown if the DDS file could not be opened |
DdsFileMalformedException | Thrown if the DDS data is not a valid DDS format |
DdsFileUnsupportedException | Thrown if the DDS format uses features that the loader cannot yet handle |
stb | Contains the loader for PNG, JPEG, TGA, BMP, and GIF formats |
StbLoaderException | Base class for all exceptions thrown by the STB loaders |
UnableToLoadException | Thrown when the STB loader could not load the image |
ImageCreator | A factory object for creating ImageSet objects |
ImageCreationException | Base class for all exceptions thrown by ImageCreator |
BadFaceCountException | Thrown if the ImageCreator is given a face count other than 1 or 6 |
CubemapsMustBe2DException | Thrown if the user attempts to provide a cubemap that isn't two-dimensional |
No3DTextureArrayException | Thrown if the user attempts to have 3D array images, which are not allowed |
NoImagesSpecifiedException | Thrown if the mipmap or array count is not greater than zero |
ArrayOutOfBoundsException | Thrown if the ImageCreator is asked to insert an image outside of the arrayCount |
MipmapLayerOutOfBoundsException | Thrown if the ImageCreator is asked to insert an image outside of the mipmapCount |
FaceIndexOutOfBoundsException | Thrown if the ImageCreator is asked to insert an image outside of the faceCount |
ImageSetAlreadyCreatedException | Thrown when attempting to do anything except destroy an ImageCreator object after calling ImageCreator::CreateImage |
UncheckedImageFormat | Represents a potentially valid image format |
InvalidFormatException | Thrown if an invalid format is used by any API. Usually contains an explanation of the problem |
ImageFormat | An immutable combination of image format parameters |
Dimensions | Describes the dimensionality of an image |
SingleImage | Represents a single image of a certain dimensionality |
ImageSet | Represents a set of images that can be stored in a texture object |
OpenGLPixelTransferParams | Contains the pixel transfer parameters for OpenGL texture upload functions |
TextureGenerationException | Base class for all exceptions thrown by the texture loaders |
ImageFormatUnsupportedException | Thrown if the image format cannot be used because the OpenGL implementation doesn't support the format |
TextureUnsupportedException | Thrown if the texture type that was asked to be created is not supported by this OpenGL implementation |
TextureUnexpectedException | Thrown because the texture type is not yet supported by GL Image |
CannotForceRenderTargetException | Thrown when using the FORCE_REQUIRED_FORMATS flag and the format could not be converted to a required one without compromising data |
CannotForceTextureStorage | Thrown when using the FORCE_TEXTURE_STORAGE flag and the OpenGL implementation doesn't support it |
CannotForceDSAUsage | Thrown when using the FORCE_DSA flag and the OpenGL implementation doesn't support it |
glload | The core namespace for the C++ interface for the OpenGL initialization functions |
LoadTest | Stores data to detect if an extension loaded correctly |
glmesh | The main namespace for the GL Mesh library. All GL Mesh functions are in this namespace |
CpuDataException | Base class for all CpuDataWriter specific exceptions |
IncompleteVertexException | Thrown when attempting to get vertices from a CpuDataWriter when a vertex is incomplete |
CpuDataWriter | Allows immediate mode drawing to a CPU buffer, rather than a buffer object |
DrawException | Base class for all Draw specific exceptions |
TooFewVerticesSentException | Thrown when drawing with Draw and you did not provide as many vertices as promised |
TooManyVerticesSentException | Thrown when calling Attrib and you are writing more vertices than you promised |
PrimitiveTypeUnsupportedException | Thrown when creating a Draw with a primitive type that the current OpenGL implementation does not support |
VertexCountPrimMismatchException | Thrown when the primitive type and vertex count cannot be used together |
Draw | RAII-style class for immediate-mode type rendering through a VertexFormat and StreamBuffer |
RenderCmdList | A list of rendering commands to be used by a Mesh |
Mesh | An object that represents a static collection of mesh data |
StreamBufferException | Base class for all exceptions thrown by StreamBuffer and StreamBuffer::Map |
StoreAlreadyMappedException | Thrown when the StreamBuffer is mapped and you attempt to call a function that requires the StreamBuffer to not be mapped |
NotEnoughStorageForMapException | Thrown when mapping a StreamBuffer and it does not have enough room for the requested map size |
NotEnoughRemainingStorageForMapException | Thrown when mapping a StreamBuffer and the current offset + range would exceed the size of the StreamBuffer |
StreamBuffer | A class for streaming vertex data to buffer objects on the GPU |
Map | A RAII-style class for mapping a StreamBuffer |
VertexFormatException | Base class for all exceptions thrown by AttribDesc, VertexFormat and VertexFormat::Enable |
AttributeDataInvalidException | Thrown if the values passed to AttribDesc's constructor are not allowed |
AttributeDataUnsupportedException | Thrown if the values passed to AttribDesc's constructor do not meet the implementation-specific requirements |
AttributeIndexMultipleRefException | Thrown if VertexFormat is given two AttribDesc objects that use the same attribute index |
AttribDesc | Describes the storage for a single vertex attribute |
SeparateAttribFormatTag | Used in VertexFormat::Enable to differentiate constructors |
VertexFormat | Describes the layout for a sequence of vertex attributes, to be used for rendering |
Enable | RAII-style class for binding a VertexFormat to the OpenGL context |
VertexWriterException | Base class for all VertexWriter specific exceptions |
MismatchWriterTypeException | Thrown when the type the VertexWriter::Attrib functions are used with does not match the type of the attribute as defined by the VertexFormat |
VertexWriter | Base class, using CRTP, that provides a framework for writing vertex attributes to arbitrary locations |
glutil | The main namespace for the GL Utility library. All GL Util functions are in this namespace |
GlyphQuad | Data type for a single glyph |
InvalidEncodingException | Thrown if a supposedly UTF-8 encoded string is not valid UTF-8 |
Font | The class that represents a series of glyphs as well as the information to layout a string of text |
MatrixStack | Implements a stack for glm::mat4 transformations |
PushStack | RAII-style object for pushing/popping MatrixStack objects |
ViewProvider | Abstract base class used by ViewPole to identify that it provides a viewing matrix |
ObjectData | Utility object containing the ObjectPole's position and orientation information |
ObjectPole | Mouse-based control over the orientation and position of an object |
ViewData | Utility object containing the ViewPole's view information |
ViewScale | Utility object describing the scale of the ViewPole |
ViewPole | Mouse-based control over the orientation and position of the camera |
ShaderException | Base class for all exceptions thrown by shader and program creation functions |
SeparateShaderNotSupported | Thrown if the user requests the creation of separate programs, but the implementation cannot do that |
CompileLinkException | Thrown if the compilation or linking fails. The log will be stored in this exception |
UniqueShader | RAII object for managing a shader object |
UniqueProgram | RAII object for managing a program object |
refs | For special reference utility types |
array_ref | A constant reference to an array |